Yerlan Dumanuly (KZ)
Founder of the Crowdsale Network platform, Vice President of the Association of Digital Technologies and Crypto Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
He was born in Kazakhstan, in the Karaganda region in 1987 on December 13. Since 17 years he is engaged in electronic commerce. In 2011 he created his own online store Uni Inter Trade with electronic money “unit”.
In 2016, having learned about the possibilities of blocking technologies, I was very sorry that I did not know about the crypto-currencies since 2011. Now, together with partners from Russia and Israel, they have founded the Crowdsale Network platform to promote innovative start-ups at the international level. Yerlan Dumanuly dreams and acts to make every Kazakhstan citizen rich through new technologies, and Kazakhstan entered the top 30 developed countries of the world in order to fulfill the goal of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The motto of Erlan Dumanuly: “Do not ask what the country will do for you, but ask what I will do for the country!”